Book Creator

Geography, The Rockies, History And How They Impact Us

by Trip Learners


Trip Learners
This will be your cover. It should include a graphic(s), your name, and a title relating to the Answering to the Driving Question
There are two kinds of location when talking about geography. Absolute location (see above), and relative (below). Absolute location is described with coordinates or an address. Relative location is when we talk about location in relation to something else like landmarks, time or distance.
Place is how the natural landscape is unique. We can identify place through looking at the flora and fauna (plants and animals), resources (like coal or wheat), landforms (mountains) and climate (rainy, sunny). There are also cultural characteristics like traditions, architecture, land use and politics. The photo above is an example.
There are three types of regions: formal, functional and vernacular. Formal regions are regions made by the government or are administrative boundaries like cities and borders. Functional regions serve a purpose, like the catchment map below. Vernacular are regions are made up by similar characteristics, like Chinatown, old Montreal and the cove.
Movement is also an important theme. There are 3 main kinds of movement: the movement of people, (planes, cars, and trains), the movement of products, ( imported goods, online shopping and freighters) and the movement of ideas, (mail and books). These three things often all happen at the same time, like a person coming with news (people and ideas).
Human Environment Interaction
This theme is about how humans and geography interact with each other. This one also happens in three main ways. We adapt to the geography like when we choose to put roads in specific places, because of where mountains and landforms are located. We modify it when we built dams or when we build bridges to cross water. We also depend on it like how people farm in the prairies because of the flat land which supports them.