Book Creator

Using Book Creator for Differentiated Learning

by Rosey McQuillan

Pages 4 and 5 of 44

Teaching and learning through Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework which guides teachers in the planning for systematic support of learner variability in their classroom.
Why Book Creator and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?
Universal Design for Learning is a content-based framework which is aimed at meeting student variability in a classroom. UDL plays a significant role in making the curriculum accessible while providing options for students to demonstrate their understanding and become expert learners.

Book Creator offers a range of tools to customize and present curriculum content to support learners. The multimodal tools allow for personalizing the user experience while minimizing barriers and maximizing access to both information and learning. We will explore ways that Book Creator can be used to differentiate lessons and provide accessibility for all your students.
Mockup of a laptop and tablet with Book Creator books on display
Universal Design for Learning uses three guiding principles:
Multiple Means of Engagement:
Learners differ greatly in how they can be engaged or motivated to learn. We have learners that like to work independently, while others prefer to work with peers. Some like spontaneity and novelty while others prefer a predictable format.
Diagram showing Engagement, Representation and Action & Expression
CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2.
Multiple Means of Representation: Learners differ in how they comprehend and perceive information. There needs to be many avenues in which information is presented for them to make connections with the content. Some students grasp information more readily when presented visually or auditorily rather than text alone. There is no one means for representing curriculum that will meet the needs of all students.

Multiple Means of Action and Expression: Students differ in the ways they can navigate their environment and demonstrate an understanding for what they have learned. We have students that can express themselves through written text; whereas, some students struggle with organizing their ideas in written form but can talk about any subject you give them. Recognizing the need to provide learners with the structure and options to show what they know through a variety of modalities is essential.