Book Creator

Autumn Term Newsletter 2

by Aspire / TLA

Pages 2 and 3 of 25

Head of School Welcome
Dear parents and carers,

It has been another jam-packed half term here at TLA, with all of our classes getting out and about in our local area and making use of the many amenities we have right on our door step. One such experience was the fantastic Proms for schools at the Hall for Cornwall. Years Two to Six all attended, with the sure highlight being the stomping rendition of Wellerman that brought the house down! Thank you to Miss Murray for organising this for us.

As a Hall for Cornwall school, we are lucky enough to access and take part in great theatre throughout the year. We are looking forward to our visit to the panto this year, with thanks going to FOTLA for match funding the tickets for parents. We will also be putting on our own Christmas performances, which we hope you are looking forward to seeing next week!

It feels like winter is suddenly upon us - we were even lucky enough to see a sprinkling of snow in Malabar last week! May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and I look forward to welcoming your children back in January.

Mrs Humberstone
Diary Dates
Autumn Term Dates 2023

Tuesday 12th December - Years 1-6 Peter Pan at the Hall for Cornwall, and EYFS treat in school
Wednesday 13th December - Christmas lunch
Wednesday 13th December - KS1 Nativity Performance (10am and 2pm)
Thursday 14th December - Rocksteady concert in the hall (9am)
Thursday 14th December - KS2 Christmas performance (6pm)
Friday 15th December - KS2 Christmas performance (2pm)
Monday 18th December - Christmas parties
Tuesday 19th December Children break up for Christmas holidays (1pm)