Book Creator

Breaking a Window

by Jack Pankowski

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

When Max got in the garage he looked all around for any type of ball but all he found was footballs,soccer balls,kong balls and nerf balls max said “I can't use those”. Immediately after max searched at the bottom of the box shortly after he looked all over. He finally found a real hard baseball that was lying in the middle of the grass like a little piece of dirt.
Max was home with his brother, Justin, because they got a day off. Maxś brother got so annoyed by him being a bad person. Max always got in trouble for being a pest. Then Justin hit Max in the face. Max screamed so loud max's brothers ears fell straight off. Max cried for 1hr strait. Right when he was done crying, Max ran at his brother and hit him in the gut finally he hit me back and max did not get hurt because justin is not strong at all.max was finally done with this so max Scattered into the garage at the speed of sound.
When Max got in the garage he looked all around for any type of ball but all he found was footballs,soccer balls,kong balls and nerf balls max said “I can't use those”. Immediately after max searched at the bottom of the box shortly after he looked all over. He finally found a real hard baseball that was lying in the middle of the grass like a little piece of dirt.