Book Creator


by Matthew Lim

Pages 4 and 5 of 13

The airports sirens came to life and everyone was running around. Are plane still had 10 minutes till take off but I knew ten minutes was to long. By then the clan would have got to the plane and slaughtered everyone onboard. I shouted furiously at the ladies at the desk but they wouldn’t do anything. They were more scared about loosing their job then loosing their life. At that moment I knew I had to take this situation into my own hands so. I jumped over the glass barrier and sprinted towards the plane. People saw me and started jumping over too. The ladies were just hiding behind the counter scared lifeless as everyone ran towards the plane. I leaped onto the plane and everyone was startled people weren’t suppose to board yet but guess what I was doing. Boarding. The sturdiest tried to get me off the plane but I explained to her that the Arbiter Clan was here. Her face saddened and she let go of me. Everyone already on the plane was scared to. The pilots got in their seats and prepared for takeoff. They didn’t say anything to welcome people onboard or serve drinks. Everyone was to scared. The planes engines came alive and we turned around. I thought about if I should even do this. She was a bratty sister and never did anything good for me. I felt like I shouldn’t waste my life to save my sisters. I was only 23 and still had at least 100 years to live. I put on a sad face and sat there staring into the empty seat in front of me.

My heart trembled as the plane got ready for takeoff. BANG! The sound of a flash bang flooded through the cabin. I couldn’t see anything but all I knew was that they had got in, around 6 Arbitarians ran in with guns. Everyone was scared so we complied with their wishes. They started putting ecolocks on everyone and it started to become a hostage situation. When it became my turn to be locked up a man with black cargo pants and a dark grey jacket walked up. He was wearing a Kevlar vest covered in magazines of 762 Rifle bullets. The bullets were military grade and I wonder how they got them. Only army men have them. The man stared at me for a awfully long time and then all of the sudden I saw his finger tighten on the trigger. Then he and his partner turned around and mowed down all of the Arbiter Members. He then took of this thick mask and his face looked familiar. It looked like someone I knew. Someone I loved. It was my father. I knew there wasn’t anyway he survived his plane crash but his face was definitely my dads. His face was the same but it had a huge scar running down form his left ear all the way down to his chin. I gave him a big hug and said “dad?”

We agreed and started getting off the plane. The clan still had people inside the geoport so we had t be careful not to be spotted. We all ran towards the geoport entrance but there was around ten members guarding it. We I’d behind a wall contemplating all possible situations. My dad came up with a plan and asked everyone to run towards the entrance. He looked at me deeply in my eyes and told me I needed to find my sister. Then he and his partner walked towards the guards. They thought that they came back from a patrol. But my dad pulled out his gun and shot 3 of them down. Then his partner pulled out a machine gun and sprayed everyone else down. We all started running towards the entrance when my dads partner got shot in the back. He fell to the ground and my dad ran towards him. Men flooded in from all directions. All the passengers ran towards the gates but I looked back for my dad. He was pinned down by gunfire and the only thing stopping him from getting shot was a concrete barricade. To my right passengers were dropping dead from the immense gunfire.He looked at as if to say I love you and started shooting. He pulled out smoke smoke grenades and slowly the room began to fill with smoke. His friend looked at him and said

“I hold them off, just get your son to gate 3 there is a space craft that can get him out of here”

Pg 3
“Its me son”he responded.

I bursted out in tears and hugged him once more. I ran through it in my head and realized the he came here for me not money or anything he came here to find me.

“We got to start moving” His friend shouted

We agreed and started getting off the plane. The clan still had people inside the geoport so we had t be careful not to be spotted. We all ran towards the geoport entrance but there was around ten members guarding it. We I’d behind a wall contemplating all possible situations. My dad came up with a plan and asked everyone to run towards the entrance. He looked at me deeply in my eyes and told me I needed to find my sister. Then he and his partner walked towards the guards. They thought that they came back from a patrol. But my dad pulled out his gun and shot 3 of them down. Then his partner pulled out a machine gun and sprayed everyone else down. We all started running towards the entrance when my dads partner got shot in the back. He fell to the ground and my dad ran towards him. Men flooded in from all directions. All the passengers ran towards the gates but I looked back for my dad. He was pinned down by gunfire and the only thing stopping him from getting shot was a concrete barricade. To my right passengers were dropping dead from the immense gunfire.He looked at as if to say I love you and started shooting. He pulled out smoke smoke grenades and slowly the room began to fill with smoke. His friend looked at him and said

“I hold them off, just get your son to gate 3 there is a space craft that can get him out of here”

Pg 4

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