Book Creator


by Nuriye Özden


Diyar Diyar Masal Atölyesi
From Land to Land Fairy Tale Workshop
Bu, bir eTwinning projesi olan "YETENEKLİ YAZARLAR" kapsamında öğrencilerin işbirliği içerisinde yazdığı ortak masalların kitabıdır. Masalların yazımında emeği geçen tüm öğrencilere çok teşekkürler...

This is a book of common fairy tales written by students collaboratively as part of an eTwinning project "SKILLED AUTHORS". Many thanks to all the students who contributed to the writing of the tale ...
Taner ÇAĞLAR Simona Ploscar
Ramila ALMURADOVA Snezana Stevic
Nuriye ÖZDEN Sevinc Hüseynova 
Ufuk AŞIK Fatime Allahverdiyeva
Enbiya KORKUTAN Şəbnəm Məmmədli
Serpil Melikoğlu Gulyanaq Aliyeva
                                             İGNORANT KING
Long ago there was a cruel sultan. He was a very bad and cruel sultan. His vizier was just as liar and cruel. One day, the vizier told the sultan:
-There is a very knowledgeable young person in the country. It also gave news of the future. Let us bring him before you. Let the Sultan tell us what awaits him soon.
The Sultan ordered him to bring the young man before him. The Sultan wanted to have more money and power. That's why he asked:
Are you the one who foretells the future?
-My Sultan, I do not inform the future, I only distinguish between right and wrong in my own opinion, I am a little forward-looking.
Then tell me, what awaits me and my country soon? Will I be able to have greater power? Will I be able to dominate more countries and people?
Thanks to the Sultan, you can dominate others, but you should not be cruel to make yourself loved by people. If you do, you will completely lose people's respect and love.

A very angry new vizier gets on his dragon and starts looking for the princess. He puts the night into the day to find him. Finally, he finds the old queen and princess in a horrible cave with bats. The princess is unconscious and wounded. Seeing this, the new vizier is very alarmed and take the princess to the castle and there she heals. Over time, they become very happy and the people in their country live very happily. Since that day, no evil people and evil people, including the old vizier, have ever come closer to this country.
Thanks to the Sultan, you can dominate others, but you should not be cruel to make yourself loved by people. If you do, you will completely lose people's respect and love.

A very angry new vizier gets on his dragon and starts looking for the princess. He puts the night into the day to find him. Finally, he finds the old queen and princess in a horrible cave with bats. The princess is unconscious and wounded. Seeing this, the new vizier is very alarmed and take the princess to the castle and there she heals. Over time, they become very happy and the people in their country live very happily. Since that day, no evil people and evil people, including the old vizier, have ever come closer to this country.
This time the vizier said:
-My Sultan, order us to execute this disrespectful.
The Sultan thought, actually understood what the young man was telling the truth, and ordered the members of the palace to reward him.
After that day, the cruel sultan changed a lot and started to treat the people of his country more justly. So accuracy always wins. The Sultan took this young man with him because he was outspoken and made him his new vizier. After making a vizier, he liked the behavior of this young man and married him to his daughter. Jealous of this situation, the old vizier makes a plan. He sneaks into the area where the sultan lives and puts poison in his food to kill the sultan. The new vizier sees the old vizier poisoning the sultan's food and immediately informs the sultan. Hearing this, the sultan throws the old vizier into the dungeon. The old vizier, whose life will pass in the dungeons, is very sad.
He continues to plan and think bad things in the dungeon, and cooperates with his old friends in the dungeon and escapes from the dungeon and kidnaps the sultan's daughter. Realizing this, the sultan informs the new vizier.

Adviser: Şebnem MEHMETLİ-Yaqublu Village Secondary School AZERBAIJAN
Adviser: Enbiya KORKUTAN -Şehit Yunus Uğur Middle School Seyhan Adana- TURKEY