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Το μαγικό δάσος (και η μαγική πεταλούδα)

by matoula tsigirlioti

Pages 6 and 7 of 8

Ένα απόγευμα το δάσος γέμισε ανθρώπους  που ήρθαν να γιορτάσουν μαζί
με τα ζώα τη χαρά και την ευτυχία που νιώθεις όταν μαθαίνεις να είσαι
(english version)

The magic forest

Once upon a time, happy and cheerful animals and insects lived deep in the forest. Butterflies, caterpillars, elephants, owls and various animals run, played, searched for food, rested under the tall trees.

People who passed through the forest were enchanted by its beauty and called it "the magic forest" because the animals could talk.

Yet, not only could the animals talk, they were also polite and friendly to everyone, talked with kindness and made everyone feel joyful.

The butterfly with the colourful wings taught people kindness and good manners. The big elephant never got angry, on the contrary, he did everyone's favours, as their protector.

The wise owl was worried about anyone who was rude and mostly about the people who entered the forest. Everyone was enchanted by the animals' good nature. Whoever passed by the forest magically became polite and good-hearted.

One afternoon the forest got full of people who came to celebrate together with the animals for the joy and happiness someone feels when they learn being kind.

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