Book Creator

1D Yearbook 2019/20

by miriam ottolini


Comic Panel 1
english teacher ms Belardo
Comic Panel 2
technology teacher ms leo
Comic Panel 3
maths and science teacher
mr pezzoni
Comic Panel 4
music teacher mr Barbera
Comic Panel 5
R.E. teacher
ms morselli
Comic Panel 6
p.e. teacher
mr bonsignore
Comic Panel 1
french teacher ms orlando
Comic Panel 2
grammar and history teacher mr Marazzini e.
Comic Panel 3
geography teacher mr marazzini f.
Comic Panel 4
art teacher
ms petocchi
Comic Panel 5
special needs teacher ms ottolini
Comic Panel 6
special needs teacher mr cipriani
Comic Panel 1
school principal ms ceccarelli
Comic Panel 2
vice principal ms tredici
my name is diego AND THIS IS MY DAILY ROUTINE!
Speech Bubble
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 2
my name is nicholas and this is my daily routine! 
Speech Bubble
Comic Panel 3