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Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

by Jesús Enrique Vega Castañeda

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Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Biography of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Her name is Juana Inés de Asbaje y Ramírez de Santillana. She was born in 1651 in San Miguel, Nepantla, New Spain (Mexico) on November 12th and died in 1695 on April 17th in Mexico City because of an epidemic at age 44. Some people knew her as the “tenth muse” of the literature, because she cultivate the liric. 
1. She learned latin to perfection.

2. She grew up with her grandparents.

3. She learned to read and write at age 3.

4. She study in the convent of San Jerónimo.
1. She was the leader of a creative and social movement.

2. Is considered the first Latin American poetess.

3. She was a feminist.

4. Her right to write.

5. The love of women towards women.

6. Political and secular relationships.
Famous Poem
Love begins with uneasiness.
Love begins with restlessness Love begins with uneasiness, solicitude, ardors and sleeplessness; it grows with risks, challenges and misgivings; hold on to crying and begging.
Teach him lukewarmness and detachment, preserve being between deceptive veils, until with grievances or with jealousy puts out his fire with his tears.
Its beginning, middle and end is this: Why, Alcino, do you feel the detour of Celia, what other time did you love well? What reason is there that pain costs you? Well, my love, Alcino did not deceive you, but the precise term arrived.
She was born on November 12th of 1651
In 1659 she started to write poems
She died in 1695 on April 17th
She learned to write and read in 1654
She wrote her most important work in 1692

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