Book Creator

Octavio Paz

by Jesús Enrique Vega Castañeda

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

Biography of
Octavio Paz
I was born into a family of writers on March 31st, 1914, in Mexico city.
In the year 1933, I published my first poem collection “Luna silvestre”. I founded and edited a literary Megazine called taller.
All my life I produced more than 20 books and poetry collections. In 1990 I received the Nobel Prize in Literature. I died on April 19th 1998.
He was born on March 31st, 1914
In 1931, he began to write poems
In 1990, he won a Nobel Prize for Literature.
He studied in a California University
In 1950, he published his most popular piece called "Laberinto de la Soledad".
He died on April 19th, 1998 in Mexico City.
Editor: José Eduardo

Designer: Santiago, Renata

Writing: Marian, Rebeca 

Images: Manuel 
Grupo 4C
Ciclo Escolar 2020 - 2021