Book Creator

My House or Our House

by Raymond Rawiri-Littlewood

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

My house, or our house
Raymond Rawiri
Gusty winds blow the dead leaves as they scatter about the decaying trees. Everything is dead and serene. Peering into the darkness, a cold shiver runs down Ben's spine. Ben looks around and walks on leaving only lolly wrappers in his wake. It was Halloween.
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 A tall black figure dressed in black with a hood over his head was kicking something or someone. Ben came closer, and closer, and closer until he see’s a little girl in a ghost costume, blond hair and pale white skin. “Hey!, leave her alone,” commanded Ben, the tall black figure turns and Ben see his pale face, cloudy white lips and fresh green eyes. Next thing he is in front of Ben in a dash, “ You are next fugitive” was his response. He punches Ben in the jaw resulting in a knocked out yellow tooth and blood leaking from Ben’s mouth. Ben ran to the little girl and he checked her pulse, none. After 20 minutes of CPR and it was now clear that she was killed by this felony attack. So he called the ambulance and the police, waited for them to arrive so they could handle the rest.
 Ben's phone beeped on reminders reminding him that he had a court case for his client as he was a lawyer. So he slipped out of bed, got dressed, had his breakfast grabbed his case and locked the door. As Ben walked along the footpath he felt a swoop on his right leg so he stared at his house and as second went by, his house would change. Bit by bit. Tile by tile. And . The undergrowth is clothing to the house, hiding the house's secrets for years, the house is like an old statue but unwanted, and forgotten. The house looks like it was in a war zone because the boards were broken, windows smashed, chimney on a tilt, skeletal trees and the thing that creeped him out was the wooden door that was just ajar. Ben ran straight to the door not thinking what he was doing and as soon as he reached the horrifying, horrific, haunted house. “Hello fugitive,” boomed a voice. “You killed that little girl, why,” I asked frightened. “That was no girl, that was your daughter and now you will end up how she did,” he boomed back as Ben let out a wail ,“AHHHH!” Ben did not turn up to the court case.
BANG! “Mr figure, where is your lawyer,” said the judge in a deep voice. Mr figure replied with a snarl on his face,“I do not know Judge, maybe he is at home”...
About the Author
Hi, I am Raymond Rawiri. I am the Author of this
book that you may have just read. I live in a small town
in New Zealand called Tokoroa in the Waikato region.
I am 12 years old but very small for my age but being
small comes with advantages and disadvantages so it
has its perks. My school is Tokoroa Intermediate School.
The story that I had just wrote was based on a scary
narrative and our teacher .
I enjoy dancing, writing, listening to music and playing soccer. I myself would be beyond if I could be a famous dancer or even be a writer of fantasy stories. I have already started my journey on becoming a writer because I've started publishing a book called The Last Natural Bender based on one of my favourite movies called The Last Airbender. My story has come to an end but I will try to achieve my goals and hopefully one day you will see an author on the library shelves written by Raymond Rawiri. Thank you.