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The joy of reading

Mihalcia Sara-Maria, fifth grade,
Coordinating Professor, Butaciu Carmen-Mirela,
Atanasie Marienescu High School, Lipova

Every time you read a book and you like it, you enjoy it. You are happy because sometimes you find yourself in characters and at the same time you attach yourself to them, but they happen to be characters you do not like. Sometimes actions may be predictable, sometimes not. Ends can be happy, they often meet, or they can be sad. Of all the books I read, I can not choose a preferred one. I like all.
Also, the books have different genres in which you can penetrate. You can imagine what will happen, you can create the image of characters, actions, objects, but you can develop your vocabulary very much.
I am very happy to discover the book world and urge others to try this.
My greatest joy is to go to bookstores and sit around to browse the books, I like to smell them a lot, it's like magic.
Many readers also rely on the book's appearance on the cover. I admit that I do the same. Others are based on synopsis, which I do. If the synopsis looks interesting, the book looks good, of course I will buy the book.
I am sad that very few children and adults are reading these days. I know a word told by my favorite author, Joanne Rowling (J.K.ROWLING): "If you do not like reading, it means you did not find the right book."
I usually read books in Romanian, but sometimes I also read in English. I've also found bilingual books. I read books and various mythologies. Of all mythologies, my Greek mythology remains my favorite.
People who do not yet read, discover new worlds, characters or many other things. You have to do it as soon as it's because it's a joy, a happiness when you read.
In my opinion, reading gives good feelings. Young people will have to read at least one book, and then they will find out how much they have lost.
You laugh, cry, stay with a smile on your face, you do not realize ...

as it's because it's a joy, a happiness when you read.
In my opinion, reading gives good feelings. Young people will have to read at least one book, and then they will find out how much they have lost.
You laugh, cry, stay with a smile on your face, you do not realize ...

You've reached the end of the book

Read again

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