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Painting Techniques

by Renee

Pages 2 and 3 of 4

Acrylic Painting Techniques
To create splatters on a painting,dip the brush in the water
before dipping into the paint,then flick the colour
onto the surface.

2.Blocking In
One acrylic painting technique is to start with a broader brush to block or fill in larger portions of the design,and use the smallest,finer brushes last for
surface details.

3.Dry Brushing
Dry brushing is a technique often used when painting rocks and grass.To dry brush,put a little bit of paint on a brush and make it quick,light movements over the dry paint that is already there.
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Textured Painting Techniques
1.Finger Painting
Yep,finger painting is a real painting technique.You can use the tips of your fingers to blend colours or create textures.Keep a damp rag or paper towels to wipe your hands so you don't mess up anything.
2.Blunt End of a Brush
Using the blunt or tapered end of a paint brush in wet paint is a useful technique for removing paint that leaves stark lines.This painting technique is often used for creating tree trunks,branches and to highlight the edges of objects.
3.Palette Knife
A palette knife can be used to spread thick layers of colour or to create a strong texture by tapping the knife on wet paint.

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