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Human Rights

by Shreya Raghavan

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

We should never dislike someone just because they look different or have different skin color.

No one has a right to make us a slave. Sometimes the business
owners are unfair to the workers and don't give whole salary.

We should never blame anyone else for our fault.
People have human rights because they:
- Be included
- Have their own beliefs
- Have a family
- Have our own property
- Education
- Have freedom
- Have friends
- Have life
- Personal security
- Freedom from slavery
- Equal opportunities
Why people might not get the same opportunities because:

- They look different
- Belong to another country
- Don't have a family
- Don't have the same language to speak in
- Don't have good house or a property
- Not educated
- Don't have freedom

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