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E-Twinning-Project: Remote Learning Abroad

by MSK 7dM

Pages 2 and 3 of 12

The German Edition
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Things I miss most about school ...
I miss the normal lessons at school, because it is easier for me to learn at school instead of at home. I miss my friends too.
That you don't see your friends that often anymore.
The playground and our classroom.
I miss my friends and my nice teachers.
Advantages and disadvantages of remote learning
- You can sleep in longer.
- You can always do what you want first
(English, German, ...)
- You can do the tasks at your own pace.
- You have little homework.
- Lessons only start at 8:30 a.m.
- You can work where you want (at the table
in bed, ...)
- You don't have to talk with people in
- No more bullying at school.
- Sometimes the Internet doesn't go that
- You can't see your friends.
- You have to do most of the work alone.
- You don't have a teacher.
- Sometimes when you need help you
need to wait for the teacher to answer.
- It can be stressful and exhausting if you
cannot cope with the tasks.
- More cyberbullying!! For example via
- The school material is funnier than usual.
Working at home
Working at school
Our school timetable during remote learning
A typical remote learning day for a student
I get up and have breakfast. After breakfast I go to the video conference. After the video conference I do my homework and after the homework I send the homework I have done.
I get up and get dressed and prepare for the distance lesson and then we do a video conference and then I do my homework and when I'm done I send my homework and then I sleep.
I get up at 7 a.m., get ready, sometimes I eat a bit, then I go to the video conference. Then I do the tasks until 1 p.m., then there is the final round (video conference) and then I have something to eat and than I'm free.
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