Book Creator

Our Fantastic Creatures and Monstrous Robots

by Emmanuel Cayot

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Our Fantastic Creatures and Monstrous Robots
By the 5emes 3
This monster was born from the nightmare of a human called Antonio. Antonio was from South Africa.
He had this nightmare because he was scared of everything. In his nightmare, he was in London and there were lots of people.
Suddenly, a tornado appeared and took him to a clearing. Then, a gloomy shape came out of another tornado.
When he was born, the monster was transparent, because he looked like a spirit and he was taller than a giraffe. He was cleverer than Einstein. He had big blue eyes and long white hair. He also had a short neck but a long face.
One day in the First Ruins, he got hit by lightning on his disgusting face. After that he realized that he could take different shapes or forms.
He likes to take the appearance of your worst fear. He thinks that he is the best monster in Fantasia. He also thinks that humans are inferior to him because he wins all his fights .
He can fly higher than the International space station. He can also swim faster than the Megalodon. He is as cruel as Voldemort but he is less powerful. He is also able to speak all languages. If you encounter him near the Square in Fantasia, he will be able to kill you in four seconds except if you answer his riddle:
What object do we throw when we need it and take it back when we don’t need it ?
If you don't answer correctly, he will be able to eat you or to take your head and play with it. He will also be able to bury you deep down in the ground.

Nathan Meistermann
The Horus
The Horus is a giant robot, bigger than a hill. His nickname is the demon of metal and he is one of the most dangerous monsters in Fantasia. He looks like an octopus. He is grey like a mountain. He has four red eyes. He has more than eight tentacles and a turtle shell.
All the Horus wants is to make war, to kill and to destroy. 
The Horus is able to create and control robots that will work to destroy nature. He can create smart and fast robots. They are the pawns and they are called the watchers. He can also create a tank robot. It has lots of missiles, two machine guns, C4 explosives and it is called Panzer. The Horus can also fabricate an attack robot. It is really big. It has two machine guns too and It is very mobile. It is named Thundejaw. It can also make a pollution robot. It is the robot that goes to search for energy for the other robots. It is named Corruptor. And finally the Horus can fabricate flying robots that look like a Pteranodon. They can spit ice and they are called Frosters. 
The Horus is as old as the Earth. In Fantasia, it lives in the swamps of melancholy. He was born of two nightmares: One of a person who feared robots because his brother scared him at night with a Terminator doll. And one of a person who feared that nature would disappear because he didn't want to see the Earth disappear. And one day they met, and they didn't know that they had created a Monster.
If you don’t want to fight him you will have to answer his riddle: What fills from the bottom and empties from the top?

Adam Milan
Dinom, the Robot
Once upon a time, there was a weird creature which attacked adventurers in the country of Fantasia. This Monster's name is Dinom. It is the biggest monster in Fantasia. It is taller than a giant. It looks like a dinosaur. Dinom is a robot made of red metal and it has blue eyes like the sky. Dinom has dark spikes, long claws on his hands and his feet and sharp teeth. It is very scary, nasty and aggressive.
Dinom will be able to lift four buildings with one hand but it won't run for a long time just for a short time. It will be able to roar so loud that we can hear it on the other side of the earth and it will spit get fire out of his mouth.
It came from the world of Fantasia but it was created by the nightmare of a child named Arthur who was afraid of big things like buildings. Arthur was also afraid of the role played by the role of robots in the future.
Dinom is older than the prehistoric time. It lives in the Swamp of Melancholy because he is very sad since everyone is scared of him and nobody wants to play with him.
To fight this robot you will need to answer this riddle: I can't walk, yet I have a back and four feet. Who am I?

Constance Boelhy