Book Creator

Our Fantastic Creatures and Monstrous Robots

by Emmanuel Cayot

Pages 6 and 7 of 32

Dinom, the Robot
Once upon a time, there was a weird creature which attacked adventurers in the country of Fantasia. This Monster's name is Dinom. It is the biggest monster in Fantasia. It is taller than a giant. It looks like a dinosaur. Dinom is a robot made of red metal and it has blue eyes like the sky. Dinom has dark spikes, long claws on his hands and his feet and sharp teeth. It is very scary, nasty and aggressive.
Dinom will be able to lift four buildings with one hand but it won't run for a long time just for a short time. It will be able to roar so loud that we can hear it on the other side of the earth and it will spit get fire out of his mouth.
It came from the world of Fantasia but it was created by the nightmare of a child named Arthur who was afraid of big things like buildings. Arthur was also afraid of the role played by the role of robots in the future.
Dinom is older than the prehistoric time. It lives in the Swamp of Melancholy because he is very sad since everyone is scared of him and nobody wants to play with him.
To fight this robot you will need to answer this riddle: I can't walk, yet I have a back and four feet. Who am I?

Constance Boelhy