Book Creator

Plnt Species Inventory

by Luna Rueda

Pages 2 and 3 of 89

Colegio Bilingüe Richmond
Magnolia Grandiflora (Fandiño M., 2022)
Together, the students from 11th grade and the biology department, more specifically Juliana, our teacher, collaborated and worked towards this year’s project, an inventory of all the species found in our school. We studied plants in general, their traits, characteristics, conditions, and everything we needed to know to give the school a complete and informative list of species found in the place we spend most of our day, the place which has formed as students and has created so many memories. Each of these species contains memories so we studied and learned about the topic to be prepared.

We have been working all year long towards a goal. First, we reviewed the topic of biology, species, plants, ecosystems, native species, invasive species, etc. Then we had a laboratory related to insects. It consisted of recollecting bugs, spiders, and any other species that fell from trees and plants around our school which had been divided into sections, this way we could study which species, sections, and qualities were found where more bugs were collected. Afterward, we would study the bugs and their traits as well.

All through the year, this project was our goal, the process, the energy, and the time put into it have taught us a lot. It helps us get a grasp of what biology is, caught our attention on topics we usually have a hard time focusing on, and gave us a real perspective of real-life topics and their impact. As much as we learned about which species was what, we mostly got to genuinely understand and analyze diversity in a way books can’t teach. This is why today we present to you our project, our energy, our studies, and our years’ worth of work. 
Liquidambar Styraciflua (Fandiño M., 2022)
Study Area
The school is located in a green zone, a place in which the opportunity for biodiversity is more than present. We are in an area in which there are a lot of species that preserve the beauty of the place plus the quality of air.

Specifically for this work, we divided the green areas of the school into 7 sections each containing different species to identify the conditions of each section as well as the ideal environment for each plant, seeing which coexist properly and live ideally. In groups, the students analyzed and took photos of the plants to make the project possible.
(Pulido J.F, 2021)
Importance of Trees in a School Enviroment
Trees are essential in life as it is, life depends on them. Biology is a whole study, a system that relies on the existence of every living thing. We don't appreciate our surroundings yet those are the ones that maintain us alive. The air we breathe comes from the trees, the biodiversity itself allows us to live and function properly, life wouldn't just be the same without trees, it just wouldn't exist. the air that keeps us alive we owe it to the trees and yet we take everything for granted.

In our school, Colegio Bilingüe Richmond, we have the big advantage of being located where we are, as we are found in an area which is full of biodiversity, green and clean air plus the fact that we are close to a place called Humedal Torca y Gaymaral. As students, and as people who are growing academically and am responsible for acknowledging its importance and taking care of them.
Magnolia Grandiflora (Fandiño M., 2022)
Project head:
Juliana Diaz
María Fernanda Suarez
Laura Gómez
Luna Rueda
Juan Felipe Pulido
Juan David González
Sebastián Álvarez
Juan David Marín
Salomé Cruz
Juanita Gómez
Felipe Peña
Juan Miguel Ramírez
Juan David Garzón
Alejandro Herrera
María José Campiño
Diego Enciso
Santiago García
Samantha Vazques
Manuel Fandiño
Daniela Luigi
Content Table
Introduction ----------------------------- pg 2

Study Area ------------------------------- pg 4

Importance of trees in a school environment--- pg 6

Special Mention-------------------------- pg 8

Caucho de India------------------------- pg 12-15

Eugenia---------------------------------pg 16-19

Feijoa---------------------------- pg 20-23

Ligustro--------------------------------pg 23-27

Liquidambar------------------------- pg 28-31

Magnolia------------------------ pg 32-35

Mermelada------------------------- pg 36-39

Nogal------------------------- pg 40-43

Roble--------------------------pg 44-47