Book Creator

How has the geography of the West shaped who we are?

by Seycove Learners

Pages 2 and 3 of 29

Economy and its influence on the West
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What made and makes the West
Pages 3-6 comic on the 5 themes of geography
Page 7 understanding of what made and makes the west
Pages 8-23 are pictures and explanations
Pages 25-29 are other activities
Page 30 about the author
My comic life, we were told to describe each them of geography in two words and one image. The five themes are location, place, human environment interaction, movement and regions. The first one is location. I choose the word coordinates because it represents where you are and shows your location, I choose address because it is the location of a building. The second box is place. I choose land because a place like Canada has lots of mountains unlike other places. I choose culture because every place has different cultures and food.
This box is Human environment interaction. Human environment interaction is when a human or humans interact with the environment. I choose modify because we modify land and natural areas. I choose adapt because we adapt to the environment, fro example we wear clothes to be warm.
This one is movement. I choose transportation because that is a way to move people, ideas, and goods. I choose vehicle because it’s a form of transportation
This is the final box. It’s regions. I choose named and governmental. I know your thinking what does named have to do with it, because regions can be named by people and the government. And governmental because the government named regions.
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Another big industry that shaped the west was mining. People didn’t want to settle in BC they wanted the resources. Most people came to BC because word of gold had spread.

All the houses, roads, and The CPR were because of forestry. If trees were not taken down there wouldn’t be room for any of these things. Houses and the CPR were made of wood and other materials.
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What made and makes the west is a very important question. For me it’s the economy. The main food source for the indigenous peoples of BC was salmon. When the Europeans arrived they turned the salmon into an industry. The salmon was a big part of the west, the Europeans used it as a food source and they used it for profit, they were able to ship it on the Canadian pacific railway.
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The last major industry of the west is agriculture. The food we eat is because of fames. This land was farmed and raised cattle for us. People didn’t want to come to the west so the government offered ready made farms. Fames that came equipped with a house, barn, hose, and a wall, and the prices were really cheap. All of those industries were essential for the wests economy.
Murtle park