Book Creator

My Book Of Poems

by Ronan W


My book of poems
As valuable as a jewel
As young as a baby dolphin
As smart as a hawk
As big as a planet
As hard as a rock
As dumb as a piece of hay
As lucky as a dice
As Beautiful as may

Laughter a way to numb the pain
Life a bicycle you ride through the way
Your phone a way to say hey
Life is a stage to perform poetry
Family is the biggest treasure

Laughter a way to numb the pain
Life a bicycle you ride through the way
Your phone a way to say hey
Life is a stage to perform poetry
Family is the biggest treasure
Be kind to others
See the beauty in the world
And hydrate yourself
Crack crumple
Mommy help
Fump awwww
Offf I’m ok
I can’t feel my legs
Crack ohhhh get a doctor
I wanna go home
I yiy yi
Call the hospital
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit
Not a gross wormy hole a hobbit hole
Which means comfort
It had a green door with a yellow handle
Inside it was like a tunnel that never ended