Book Creator

The Power Of Gratitude

by Samyak Sharma and Manthan Aggarwal

Pages 6 and 7 of 8

Comic Panel 1
India’s Coronavirus outbreak has shone a spotlight on the hard life of its seasonal migrant workers. The lockdown in India has impacted the livelihoods of a large proportion of the country's nearly 40 million migrant workers.
Millions of migrant workers left jobless by India’s coronavirus lockdown. Countless workers in India have walked thousands of miles home after losing their jobs, many died because of hunger, fatigue and accident along the way. 
Migrant workers are the backbone of any metropolitan city. They are the ones constructing houses, cooking food, serving in eateries, delivering takeaways, cutting hair in salons, working in factories, plumbing our homes, delivering newspapers, and list is endless. This lockdown turned these migrant labourers into refugees overnight. Their workplaces were shut, and most employees and contractors who paid them vanished. As many as 80% of labourers have lost their source of livelihood. 
I spoke to Mr. Mahesh one of the migrant labourers in my society and around.
Comic Panel 1
Expressing Gratitude towards our Front Line Workers/Corona Warriors/ Corona Survivors
1.We’ll never forget our Front line worker’s selfless service to the greater community is helping us all get through these tough times.
2.We’d never-ever forget the tireless efforts and sleepless nights of our brave warriors.
3.We are deeply grateful to all of the Front Line workers for all the sacrifices that they and their family made.
4.Being on the front Line isn’t easy, but it is very much appreciated.
5.Words are not enough to thank you all for your strength, courage and dedication.
6.You deserve our applause, our thanks and our respect.
7.We depend on your strength and can never thank you enough

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