Book Creator

World War 2

by Flynn, Finn

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The Wasteful Second World War
Great Britain declared war on Hitler (and his Nazi party) after the invasion of Poland, that is when World War 2 began.
World War 2 is often referred to as the deadliest war known to mankind- but do you actually know how many people died.Did you know, World War 2 was declared 21 years after World War 1? Also Adolf Hitler (The dictator of the Germany) always broke the rules during World War 2 and hated Josef Stalin (Leader of Russia.)World War 1 lasted 6 years (1914-1914) but World War 2 lasted six years (1939-1945). If you have got any more interesting questions read on to find out more…
The Result of World War 1
It is fair to say that Adolf Hitler, who was very nasty, was extremely annoyed with the outcome of World War 1. As a foot soldier in the war, Hitler witnessed much of a suffering from commands! When the Germans eventually lost the war, they were punished as result .
Developing Hatred
How did the Reckless War Spring into action?
Did you know, the Nazis, who hated everyone, targeted the Jewish population and used propaganda to turn people against them? This saw the Nazi party grow and eventually become the ruling German party.
During the aggression at the start of World War 2 (Germany VS Poland) approximately 5.5 million people lost their lives.
World War leaders

Shockingly, not all leaders in World War II were elected democratically. Interestingly, Hitler gained power through a number of government loop-holes which meant he could dictate Germany unopposed in the next
Great Britain declared war on Hitler (and his Nazi party) after the invasion of Poland, that is when World War 2 began.
The Result of World War 1
It is fair to say that Adolf Hitler, who was very nasty, was extremely annoyed with the outcome of World War 1. As a foot soldier in the war, Hitler witnessed much of a suffering from commands! When the Germans eventually lost the war, they were punished as result .
Developing Hatred
Did you know, the Nazis, who hated everyone, targeted the Jewish population and used propaganda to turn people against them? This saw the Nazi party grow and eventually become the ruling German party.
World War leaders

Shockingly, not all leaders in World War II were elected democratically. Interestingly, Hitler gained power through a number of government loop-holes which meant he could dictate Germany unopposed in the next