Book Creator


by Keira

Pages 6 and 7 of 25

Josef Stalin became leader of the Soviet Union. Stalin was a very brutal person. He was responsible for over 20 million deaths! He hated Hitler, so he made the Russian army fight him.
President Franklin D Roosevelt was most known for leading United States and assisting the Allied powers against the Axis powers of Germany and Japan during World War Two. He did not like Hitler at all! He wanted to defeat Germany, Japan and Italy. Did you know on December 7th, 1941 Japan bombed the U.S? This meant Amarica also joined the war!
It was with great sadness that so many people died during this tragic time. You should now know more about WW2.
The Japanese nation was ruled by Emperor Hirohito. In 1940, Japan teamed up with Nazi Germany and Italy. Japan was now a member of the Axis powers. Japan bombed the United States Navy at Pearl Harbour. This allowed Japan to take over much of the South Pacific, including the Philippines.
It was with great sadness that so many people died during this tragic time. You should now know more about WW2.