Book Creator


by Crystal Johnson

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

Something big is going to happen and know one knows. know matter how hard I try to worn them this is coming they won't listen. Will I find a way to get through to them before it is too late ? or are the doomed ?

It was a normal day on planet earth people hanging with their friends.The date was 3005 and Crystal was working in her lab. Well It was a normal day till she figured something out. She new she must tell everyone right way so she went to the news station that was just down the road from her lab and got on live t .v. She told everyone the world was going to end. But all the people thort that she was crazy and started laughing at her. This women needs to go to hospital she must have hit her head pretty hard they said to one another.
“In ten days” she said
the sun is going to crash into planet earth.
“we must hurry” Crystal added.
We can move to pluto if we leave in 5 hours still they thort she was pulling a prank on them.

Right away she told her family that it was no joke and we should begin packing.  So they can move to pluto and we should waste no time to do so. So they all packed their thing for there  long  travel to there new home. When we were flying I  store things many kids dream of the stars flew past us as well as 5 other planets we soon sore the sun. Look at that they said to one another it was massive and we could feel the burn from a mile away
“Are the pet’s all good in the back of the rock” ? Mum applied  
“yip”  Crystal leed on
o I forgot to mention they took their pet’s.

“In ten days” she said
the sun is going to crash into planet earth.
“we must hurry” Crystal added.
We can move to pluto if we leave in 5 hours still they thort she was pulling a prank on them.

Right away she told her family that it was no joke and we should begin packing.  So they can move to pluto and we should waste no time to do so. So they all packed their thing for there  long  travel to there new home. When we were flying I  store things many kids dream of the stars flew past us as well as 5 other planets we soon sore the sun. Look at that they said to one another it was massive and we could feel the burn from a mile away
“Are the pet’s all good in the back of the rock” ? Mum applied  
“yip”  Crystal leed on
o I forgot to mention they took their pet’s.

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