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Southern Colonies

by Sinthya Q

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

The Southern Colonies
The sunny Farm Lands
By: Sinthya Q.
Reason for Founding
Plants You ca Grow Here:
The Reason For Founding:
The main reason for founding the Southern colonies was for business.The reason that they did was because of the sunny warm weather so they could make money off farming. Those are also one reason why you should come here.You can make money off farming ,and all the good vegetables you can eat here.
The Indigo plant
The Tobacco Plant
Sugar Cane
Cotton Plant
FUN FACT: Most purple cloths is only worn by royalty like:kings and queens ,but if you come to the southern colonies you can also wear purple."How?" you ask by mixing the Indigo plant dye with another you can also feel like royalty.
Most of the geography in the southern are coastal plains which take up most of the area and Piedmont .Piedmont is lots of Granite and Marble together in the form of a mountain.The coastal plains are just plains located on the coastal side of the region.
Some of the resources you can find in the Southern colonies are minerals iron due to the Piedmont around.Another resource is wood from trees.Lastly the last more common and useful resource are of course seeds plants to farm since in the southern colonies long growing seasons means you can farm a lot.
The Georgia Coastal Plains
The climate in the southern colonies is mostly hot and humid with long growing seasons.
Virginian farm lands
Most of the economy in the southern colonies is made up from plantations or farming .In the Southern colonies mostly in Georgia there where a lot of indentured servants.An indentured servant is a person who works for a period of time to pay off money owed for dept.In Georgia it was a buffer zone to keep Virginia safe from the Spanish in Florida.
What is a Plantation?:
A Virginian plantation
FUN FACT: Tobacco plantations where the earliest established plantations in the 1600's.Then later Indigo and rice plantations were established in the 1700's.Lastly the cotton plantations were established in the 1800's.
Things to do in the Southern colonies
1.Go to the beach [in Georgia]
2.Go farm or go to work like on plantations
Some things you could do in the Southern colonies are:If your looking for a fresh day off go to the beaches in Georgia.If you want to get money you go farming at a plantation or your own farm.Lastly if you want to have fun you can play Scotch-hopper leap frog tennis ect.
3.Kids can play Scotch-hopper,leap frog ,and relay races-es
New England
A couple of reasons why you shouldn't live in the southern colonies are:One though the Natives and the settlers are at peace that could disband and cause a war in the blink of an eye so it's not really safe to live there.Secondly the economy mostly depends on trading that could cause problems if the people who buy the things that the merchants sell would stop buying them.In one case if the settlers kept selling guns to the Natives the Natives would soon find out how to make there own or beaver fur the rich people who buy the fur could learn how to get their own.
A few reasons why you shouldn't go to the New England colonies are:The coast is riddled with rocks which makes it harder to sail by.Secondly it has hard and dry which makes it hard to farm there.Lastly there are long cold weather which can cause sickness and prevents people from farming.
Here are some reasons why you should come to the south. In the south there is warm weather easy jobs to get easy money.There plenty of things to do on days off.We are protected from the Spanish in Florida by our buffer zone in Georgia.That is why you should come to the Southern colonies instead of the others.

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