Book Creator

Poetry (Worldview Edition)

by Mackenzie T

Pages 2 and 3 of 49

About me

As clumsy as a baby giraffe

As quiet as a mouse

As prickly as a porcupine

As tall as a house

Impassive as a politician

As lazy as a brick

As Canadian as ice

As thin as a stick

As clever as a dog

As active as a log

Covid keeps us locked, makes us prisoners.
The normal world is an unexplored ocean.
The worlds in shambles and we’re lost.
The world is changing, the ice is melting.
The rain feels colder, ice deep inside.
Everything’s stopping we’re all shutting down.
Covids stolen our lives from under us, a thief in an empty house.
Rain day

Rain falls from the sky
Creating winding rivers
Down the tall mountains


Fabric and patterns
Making nothing to something
Changing old to new

Moving day

Big brown boxes
Carrying my memories
Terrifying change

Book: Archibald lox and the bridge between worlds. Pg 1

A sickening silence reigns in the house of death. George and Rachel are sitting at the kitchen table, numbly picking at the breakfast. They look blank, lost more like puppets the people. All these months later, they’re still not even close to getting over what happened. I’m standing in a corner wearing my school uniform if my foster parents notice me, they say nothing. We find it hard to say anything to one another these days. I can’t remember he last time one of hem spoke to me directly. I glance at the lock its time to leave. I think about saying goodbye but I cant bring myself to break the crushing silence, so I slip out taking my blazer from where it hangs near he front door. There’s a photo of Dave on he wall, in his uniform, smiling. Ive opened the door but I'm still staring at the photo, remembering the day that everything ended and the nightmares began. Dave’s trapped in photos, video clips and memories now. He’ll never grow older or rock this house with his laughter again. Lost to the silence forever.
Found poem

A sickening silence
Reigns in the house of death
They look blank, lost more like puppets than people
We find it hard to say anything
I glance at the clock
It’s time to leave
But I can’t bring myself to break the crushing silence
I stare at the photo
The nightmares begin
He’s now trapped in photos, video clips and memories.
Lost to the silence forever

Found poem

A sickening silence
Reigns in the house of death
They look blank, lost more like puppets than people
We find it hard to say anything
I glance at the clock
It’s time to leave
But I can’t bring myself to break the crushing silence
I stare at the photo
The nightmares begin
He’s now trapped in photos, video clips and memories.
Lost to the silence forever

The Tornado

Cozy, warm the fireplace crackles
I feel the heat against my hands
The wind suddenly starts to beat against the window like a hand to a face
It’s sounds like thunder, the world fighting back
The wind ravages through all that we created
I feel my hand against the leather couch, fear creeps inside
I see wind, leaves and rain flash by the window
I hear the crash of buildings falling to the ground
The tornado stopped, silence hit the town
The next couple days were darkness and silence
It was all destroyed
