Book Creator

The Haunted House

by Shyne Leilua

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The Haunted House
The Haunted House...
shyne leilua
I was walking back from the shop holding bread and milk in my freezing hands I was maybe six or seven blocks down until I reached my house.

Little raindrops started to fall on my body making me twice as cold, I started to speed walk so I could beat the storm home, then the rain came down it was a downpour!

I quickly ran under a bush i kinda laid flat so the rain won’t make me wet,The rain stopped so i got up turned around i saw a fence with a hole in it,I went to peek through to see a rundown old two story house with paint peeling off, it looked like no one lived there for fifty years curtains were ripped and windows were smashed , I saw the mailbox number 36 but i don't know what street I was on, but i went to investigate.
I was terrified that if I opened the door that zombies might come out and EAT MY BRAINS!! but I just tried to get that out of my mind ,I pressed the doorbell but it didn't work I turned the door handle to see what was inside AHHHHHH.... ,
AHHHH!!! there's an ugly creature trying to chew Phoenix's FACE! “HELP ME SHYNE DON'T JUST STAND THERE!” I pull Phoenix away from the creature its head turns around slowly showing its horrible face its skin was the color of ash its eyes were surrounded by black circles it had saliva dripping from its mouth to the floor ,It had no lips just razor sharp teeth  thinking its ready to eat my face off.
I was paralysed with fear, my heart was beating fast it stood up it was so so tall! , like eight feet tall , it growls really low like an angry dog chewing on a bone, it started to walk towards us we both screamed AH! we ran upstairs hearing loud footsteps getting louder we made it to this rundown room with the wallpaper peeling off there was mold spreading from the ceiling to the floor we found a broken drawer and we moved it in front of the door.
Hoping that it would give us some time to escape but Phoenix had an idea which was like so stupid,  because we were risking our lives but i did it anyways hoping this would save us. 

We moved the drawer and Phoenix tipped all the milk on the stairs and i put the bread in this plastic bag but first, I ripped it in little pieces while Phoenix counts down ‘’three,two,one!’’

We both scream and make loud noises and we see the ugly creature he ran up the stairs but started slipping everywhere on the milk , then i chucked all the bread on the creature and it started to melt like it disappeared , we ran back down out the door just like that, I was so exhausted we finally walked back home but i forgot my mum.

Needed that milk and bread i asked Phoenix if she has any money “ yeah for me, I earned this money I have to work everyday more like you , you sit on your backside every single day being a lazy cow! “ woah all you had to say was yes or no, jeez” I replied she felt sorry for me and gave me five bucks, we both went separate ways she went home and I went to the dairy to buy my mum bread and milk.