Book Creator

PLP 8 Oregon Book

by Jason Guan

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

About This Book:
Press Here!
In this book, some pages will have an icon that looks like this.
This is the button that plays the music.

I highly recommend that you play this music as you go through the pages.

Unfortunately, the music stops whenever you listen to something else, such as the cheese noise, so if you wish to hear the music that I have selected, you will have to press each button individually.

However, the music is different for each section, so you won’t have to listen to the exact same song for the whole book.

- Jason
I am excited to see the Astoria Column because it is a famous landmark in Oregon and is very well known. I think that it is very cool because of the artwork on the sides. It seems very interesting because of all of the different layers depicting important events. It would be very cool to climb all the way up the column. The view at the top of the column would be beautiful.
The animal that I would like to see in Oregon is the killer whale, AKA the orca. I would like to see one of these fascinating creatures because of several reasons. They are smart and can work together to capture prey. They can also very social. An orca is an apex predator, which means that they are at the top of the food chain. No other animals prey on orcas. Orcas are also very beautiful creatures. It would be great if I could see one of these creatures.