Book Creator

My Teaching Philosophy

by Amanda Mercure

Pages 6 and 7 of 14

Collaboration and Discourse
Collaboration and discourse are vital things in a classroom. It is a way for the students to gain a deeper understanding of what they are learning. Collaboration and discourse can help students talk through the information they are learning to make sure they are understanding, but they may be able to put it in words that help make other students understanding clearer. Collaboration and discourse can also help to create and build social skills they will you the rest of their life. 

Standard 3 works within Collaboration and Discours by showing how we as the teacher have to teach and create that environment that fosters collaboration and discourse. We have to make the learning interesting but informative, as well as encourage the students to interact and engage in their learning.
Standard 9 incorporates collaboration and discourse when that teacher gives the students time to discuss with their peers to get a deeper understanding of their learning. This may also make it easier for the students to feel comfortable asking clarifying questions. With the feedback from the students, it can help me the teacher adapt the lesson to create a better understanding for all students.
Talk moves are a great way to get students to expand on their thinking as well as helping to invite others to enter the discussion. It’s a given platform that everyone has to be able to engage in academic discussion. “We’re trying to build a conversation here that is a community of caring and respect” this quote shows that talk moves are a way to make students feel comfortable to express their thinking. Talk moves also relate to standard 3 by creating a learning environment that supports collaborative learning and encourage positive social interaction.
In my field placement, I have seen both collaboration and discourse as a way to deepen the students' understanding of what they are learning. It is always nice to see other students help others grow their learning. I know that some of the collaboration pairs didn’t work out as well as others; but that knowledge can then be used to reflect on, not only the teachers but the students as well. Not everyone works well in collaborations, but it is a good skill to learn.