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people and places i learned about

by Maya McDonald

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People and places i learned about in our world
Part one
By Maya McDonald
Age 6
I wanted to know about different people so each week i have looked at my globe and picked a name and me and my mum have looked at the place, country to find out about people who live there.
I picked Novaya cause it sounds like my name Maya
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Novaya is russian and used by the army and army family. they have a school but polar bears broke into it and army kids were scared to go to school. they speak russian here.

30,000 years aga nenett people lived in tents and hunted fish, bears, foxes for food and clothes. they don't live here any more because of russian army.
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i think novaya is sad. i saw lots of animals polar bears,owls,artik fox,walrus living free and wild. its dirty i think no one cares.
Port Velho, Brazil
in the poor parts of brazil it is dirty. i think it will be cool to live next to the rain forest. i wouldnt want to be a tribe.
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these are some of the animals in rainforest next to port velho brazil
Agra, India
Agra is a city in inda a Lot of peopLe Live there it is very bisy lots of crowds thy speak a language called hindi and urdu but lots of other language too. People wear colourful clothes.
A big building in the city is Taj Mahal, its is a grave for an old emperor and his wife. People travel to Arga just to see it its big and white.
They have lots of schools but about 3000 kids age 6-14 years did not go to school this was poor kids. They learn same stuff as my school but they listen to radio to learn english. i think thats weird
Victoria, Canada
boat taxis Looks fun, take people to parts of island
some peopLe have boathouses
it looks nice. i think i want to Live there i Like its on an isLand
schooL is same as ours they speak engLish they have covers over the pLay ground to stop the sun and heavy rain getting kids
they have water parks
houses - bungaLows most on stiLts . no windows they have screens instead to keep bugs out and air in. Lots of houses have swiming pooLs