Book Creator

Portfolio English

by Nicolas Castrillo

Pages 8 and 9 of 85

1. The book that I piad 5 dollars for.
2. The woman whom he eats to.
3. I have many friends, most of whom are married.
4. I meet many contries some of which are beatiful.
5. He´s the student who´s from Guatemala.(reducing) He´s the student from Guatemala.
6. I read a magazine which describes world history (changing) I read a magazine describing world history.
7. He saw a movie that take place in Honduras. (Changing) He saw a movie taking place in Honduras.
1. The book that I piad 5 dollars for.
2. The woman whom he eats to.
3. I have many friends, most of whom are married.
4. I meet many contries some of which are beatiful.
5. He´s the student who´s from Guatemala.(reducing) He´s the student from Guatemala.
6. I read a magazine which describes world history (changing) I read a magazine describing world history.
7. He saw a movie that take place in Honduras. (Changing) He saw a movie taking place in Honduras.