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Bermuda African Diaspora Trail

by Autmezguine, Abby; Newton, Ella; Burgess, Alexie; Davies, Erin


Bermuda African Diaspora Trail
By: Ella Newton, Abby Autmezguine, Alexie Burgess, and Erin Davies
*St. Peters Church - page 3 & 4

*Barr's Bay Park - page 5 & 6

*Pilot Darrell's Square - page 7 & 8

*Bermuda Heritage Museum - page 9 & 10

*Commissioner's House - page 11 & 12

*Tucker House - page 13

*Tucker House Questions and Answers - page 14 & 15

*Map of Bermuda - page 16

*Thank you - page 17

*The End - page 18

*Bibliography - 19
St. Peters Church
St. Peter's Church is located in the town of St. Georges and is the 8th part of the African Diaspora Trail.
The church was segregated so there was different seating for the white people and the black slaves as well as the segregated graveyard where white and black people were buried on different sides of the church .
the front of the church
please do not touch things behind the ropes thank you
By: Alexie Burgess
St. Peters Church
Connect the dots to make the church!
Barr's Bay Park
An American slave ship landed in Bermuda when slavery was illegal in the USA. At this time slavery was not illegal in Bermuda and the UK so when the slave ship came, 72 men, women, and children were freed.
This statue is called 'We Arrived' an it was made by Chesley Trott in 1930.
When you are at the statue, please make sure that you don't climb on the platform and do not go through the leg parts of the statue. Thank you.
By: Ella Newton
Barr's Bay Park
By: Ella Newton
Find these words:
- Hamilton
- Trail
- Diaspora
- Bermuda
- Park
- Statue