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The Middle Colonies

by Grace I.


life is good when you meet in the middle.
Rounded Rectangle
The Middle Colonies
by Grace I.
The Middle Colonies are great because there is no requirements on religion unlike New England.
The Middle Colonies have sandy beaches, and great farming land which is a great lifestyle. The iron, and tobaco are great natural resources in the Middle Colonies. Also, the great cities make the Middle colonies a great place to live.
Reasons for Founding
There were multiple reasons for founding the Middle Colonies. Some were, so that, England would have a colony in the new world, and so that the Quakers could have a place to worship freely, and the king of England wanted new Amsterdam so his colonies would have new trade routes, and so he could be more powerful.
The middle colonies are a great place to make money because the whaling and ship building industries are a great way to become very rich.
The farming ground in the middle colonies is great unlike the New England colonies hard rocky ground.