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The Tale of Leonard III The Tale of Leonard III

by Nathaniel Fraser-Klein

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The Tale of Leonard III

Nate Fraser-Klein
My artifact was Beaver pelts. Beaver pelts were used in the fur trade. The purpose of the pelts was to trade for and make money off of them. First Nations would harvest them and Europeans would trade them goods for the pelts. The pelts were valuable for europeans because they used them for winter clothing. Pelts also showed luxury in Europe. Finally The story you are about to read was inspired by this artifact from the time of New France.
My artifact was Beaver pelts. Beaver pelts were used in the fur trade. The purpose of the pelts was to trade for and make money off of them. First Nations would harvest them and Europeans would trade them goods for the pelts. The pelts were valuable for europeans because they used them for winter clothing. Pelts also showed luxury in Europe. Finally The story you are about to read was inspired by this artifact from the time of New France.
I woke up this morning excited to do another fur trade with the Algonquin peoples. I got dressed ready to make another trade and get my pay cheque. I grab my paddle and head out side with my canoe. I head down river to where the trade will take place. The tricky part about this trade is that I have to paddle by my nations land called New France. When I’m close to the New France I make sure not to be seen with my European goods because I’m a unlicensed fur trader. If I’m caught there will be severe penalty’s. On my way down the rest Lawrence river I’m thinking about how much money I can get from this trade. This trade is the biggest trade I’ve done. These beaver pelts the Algonquin people have are the most luxurious beaver pelts I’ve ever felt. Pelts like the ones sell for tons of money. I am going to get lots of money off this trade.
I am finally at the trading spot and made it past New France safely. I meet their tribe leader Ahanu I give him metal hammers, knifes and other metal goods. Ahanu give me his most luxurious beaver pelts in return. We shake hands and say "Meegwetch" which is thank you in Algonquin. I take my pelts back to my canoe and start rowing up stream back to my house. But first I need to make a stop in New France so I can secretly deliver the pelts to the buyer.
I am finally at the trading spot and made it past New France safely. I meet their tribe leader Ahanu I give him metal hammers, knifes and other metal goods. Ahanu give me his most luxurious beaver pelts in return. We shake hands and say "Meegwetch" which is thank you in Algonquin. I take my pelts back to my canoe and start rowing up stream back to my house. But first I need to make a stop in New France so I can secretly deliver the pelts to the buyer.
When I am nearing New France I get out of my canoe and put the pelts in the clips I made in my jacket. I make my way over to the village I have to meet the buyer at his house near the blacksmith. I walk around trying to look normal. I’m dressed like a citizen so I’m not suspicious. I say “hi” to a few citizens on my way over to his house. Once I arrive at his wood house that looks cozy with the wood burning fireplace and his wife. My heart is pounding because this is the biggest deal I’ve ever done. He comes out of a room and I give him the pelts and he gives me a healthy pay cheque.
We say a few words to each other then I leave and go to the blacksmith to get some more goods for my next trade. Then after going to the blacksmith I head over the butcher and get my self some meat for the new few weeks then I headed over to the farmer to get other types of food. Then I headed back to the canoe carrying all my food in baskets. I even had to even take multiple trips. Then I got into my canoe and started paddling home with all of my goods and some pelts for my self. My pelts were sitting on top of my food. I am planning to make some hats and inner soles for my shoes for the winter out of the pelts.
I’m paddling through the New France area when I see a New France citizen and he can see all of my pelts. I quickly hide my furs and all my goods and pretend I’m just going on a little canoe trip for fun. I lurk around the same area until I think he’s gone then I make my way back to my house and breath a sigh of relief. 30 min later and at my nice cozy wood home. I live in this house by myself. Little did I know that when I got home that the French citizen had followed me to my home and now knows were I live. Now its getting later and I make myself some dinner before bed. Its been a long day but a very successful one.
Meanwhile in New France the French citizen has turned me in and told the soldiers where I live. The soldiers tell the citizen that they will get him tomorrow. Back at my home I am getting ready for bed with cozy beaver pj’s. I put out my fire and get in bed and dreams about more money he gets from different trades. Next morning he wakes up makes some breakfast and changes into his clothes. He makes sure he has his handy knife with him and goes about his day normally.
All of a sudden in the middle of his breakfast he hears a loud banging on his door. He opens it to find French soldier telling him he’s under arrest for unlicensed fur trade. Oh no! Leonards heart is beating so fast he runs out the door past them