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(copy) (copy) A new book

by Pol Alhama


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Jabes Cuesta, Ian Garcia, Hugo Badia, Pol Alhama
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It was a normal quiet day, the Simpson family wandered through the city when they found a man pleading for help, Chuck was Marge's first love.
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Chuck now lived in the street on a dock wrapped in a group of cards.
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Marge talked to Homer and they decided to welcome him.
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But Homer did not agree at all and he began to control Marge, forbidding him to dress in short clothes
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He forced her to stay away from Chuck and repeated derogatory insults every time he arrived drunk
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Paty and Selma begged Marge to leave Homer but Marge said she couldn't because she loved him
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Until one day Homer drunk and his worst version made the worst mistake of his life killed Marge.
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Homer was put in prison
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At the funeral of Marge Bart and Lisa they put a wreath on top of the coffin that said toxic love is not love 

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