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The Middle Colony

by Simone B

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

We’re All About Equality!
The Middle Colony
By Simone B.
Are you a Quaker? Even if you aren’t, you’ll love the Middle Colony, because everybody is treated equal! Maryland got started to pay off a debt, and you can do that here, too!
Do you like agriculture? In the Middle Colony, we’ve got long growing seasons, rich soil, and lots of minerals. You can grow crops there in no time! We’ve also got the best weather, with mild winters and humid summers! The Middle Colony is surrounded by many trees, and has lots of harbors. So much beautiful nature!
If you move to the Middle Colony, you’ll be able to make lots of money! In our bountiful colony, there are so many jobs just waiting for you! For instance, because we have such rich soil, farming is very popular. Our forests attract lumbermen, and trappers can get a beaver in seconds. We trade items as well, so you never know when you’ll get something new! Lots of caves are yet to be explored, and miners are the ones to discover them! What job will you have?
Here in the Middle Colony, we accept anybody of any country, territory, and religion! Jewish, Irish Catholics, Germans, free Africans, Scottish, you name it! We’re friendly to everyone, including Indians!
Why would you want to move to the New England Colony? You’ll be forced to learn the Puritan way, and you’re persecuted if you stand up for yourself!
You’re better off with us.
There’s slavery over in the South. And in Georgia, there are criminals! Plus, you’ll get a sunburn.

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