Book Creator

Our Heroes in Germany

by Marlene Möritz

Pages 4 and 5 of 25

5. How much time do you spend with your granddaughter? What are your favorite things to do together?
That has been hard in recent times. But when it’s possible I spend a lot of time with her. We haven’t really hugged each other since March because of corona.

6. What does your granddaughter like best about you?
I think that she likes me because she can always count on me.

7. How was your childhood?
I was born in the last few days of World War Two, but I don’t remember that time anymore. I had a good childhood. My dad died very early. After his death my older brother took over as head of the household. I liked going to school, even though I wasn’t always very attentive. For 6 years, I sung in the radio choir, which gave me the opportunity to travel the world when I was still a child. Afterwards, I graduated from high school, learned my trade, and started my adult life.

8. What did you want to be as a child? Did you end up having that job? Do you still work?
I didn’t really know what I wanted to be as a child. Pilot, police officer, journalist? Since I didn’t know I decided I wanted to work the same job as my best friend. That didn’t work out. I became a Chemical Technician and afterwards graduated with a degree in Engineering. Now I’m retired.
9. What do you do in your free time? What is your favorite activity?
I love to travel. Foreign countries and the people who live there are really interesting to me. Right now, of course I can’t go on any of my planned vacations. I’m sure it will be possible again eventually though. Other than that, I also like to read and watch crime shows. I’m a big fan of music. I’m also interested in the music that you like to listen to. And of course I also like to spend time with my grandchildren.

10. What was your best experience?
More than 20 years ago, I got to ride in a helicopter over the Grand Canyon, which is an extremely impressive landscape in a National Park in the USA. It was particularly special because I lived in the GDR and would never have dared to dream of ever seeing this wonderful landscape. I think a lot about this experience and can still feel the emotions I felt back then.

11. Who is your personal hero?
My personal hero is my mom. My mom allowed my brother and I to study in university, even though she worked as a secretary and didn’t earn a lot of money. She gave up a lot to give us that opportunity. 

12. Do you want to be your granddaughter’s hero?
Yes, of course!