Book Creator

EYFS Physical Development

by Clare Walsh


Mount Carmel
Catholic School
EYFS CURRICULUM - physical development
Our EYFS Curriculum
'I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.'
Mark 10:10
Mount Carmel Values

Our aim is for every child to leave here an Ambassador of Christ.
Our values are deeply rooted in the high expectations that we have of each child in the school. Our Values permeate across the school through children's learning, friendships, behaviour and leadership.
Our values come from the Church.

C - consideration
H - helpfulness
U - unity
R - respect
C - commitment
H - honesty
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Our British Values

Our children learn about our British Values through 5 areas. These are discussed at whole school liturgies and during lunch times. We are committed to serving our community, with the strong belief that we are one school for all.
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Our Power Values

Our aim is for every child to leave with the power to make a positive change in the world. Through our subjects there are five themes that we believe are integral with teaching children how to become powerful adults.

We ensure that these themes run through our subjects. Children learn about 5 areas of power - Education, Religion, Resources, People and Legacy.
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Physical activity is vital in children’s all-round development, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy and active lives. Gross and fine motor experiences develop incrementally throughout early childhood, starting with sensory explorations and the development of a child's strength, coordination and positional awareness through tummy time, crawling and play movement with both objects and adults. By creating games and by providing opportunities for play both indoors and outdoors, adults can support children to develop their core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility. Gross motor skills provide a foundation for developing healthy bodies and social, emotional well-being. Fine motor control and position helps with hand eye coordination, which in a link to early literacy. Repeated and varied opportunities to explore and play with small world, activities, puzzles, arts, and crafts and the practice of using small tools with feedback and support from adults, allow children to develop proficiency, control and confidence.
How you can help as parents
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To be an amazing athlete who can show strength, balance and co-ordination when playing, move confidently and safely in a variety of ways and use a range of equipment.
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-Help to develop fine motor control in activities such as drawing, colouring, cutting, threading, construction, use of tools with play dough, paint, cookery etc.
-Help to develop gross motor control in activities such as running, climbing, jumping, skipping, hopping, throwing and catching, simple games with a ball/bean bags, cones etc.
-Help to develop your child’s awareness of personal safety by encouraging looking around, being self-aware, tasking care in activities
-Encourage your child to become independent in dressing, undressing, using the toilet and basic hygiene
-Talk to your child about how to be healthy, encourage eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly
Our curriculum goal
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To be a talented tool user who can hold a pencil effectively, use a range of tools (e.g scizzors, cutlery, paintbrushes, tweezers) safely with confidence.
nURSERY - Physical Development
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Fine Motor 
  • I can use my manipulative skills and control, to draw freely, including scribbling, 'colouring in'. 
  • I can grip writing instruments, with varying grips. 
  • I can explore different materials and tools, making controlled marks, for example in sand, shaving foam, using large chalk or a paint easel.
  • I can hold and grasp different materials, for example, spoons, brushes, shells, play-dough.
  • I can finger feed myself and drink from an open cup.

Gross Motor 
  • I can clap and stamp to music. 
  • I can sit in a balanced position.
  • I can fit myself into spaces like tunnels, dens and large boxes and move around in them .
  • I can build independently with a range of appropriate resources. 
  • I can move by walking and running. 
  • I am beginning to jump and climb. 
  • I can sit on a push along wheels toy to scooter long.
  • I can sit on a tricycle and use my feet to the floor to move around.

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Fine Motor 
  • I can make conscious marks and pretend write.
  • I can hold different types of paper and learn how to tear it. 
  • I can use large and small motor skills to do things independently. For example starting to put on my coat and finish doing the zip, after a grown-up has started it. 
  • I can use a fork and spoon to take food from a plate/bowl to my mouth. 

Gross Motor 
  • I can show control of my whole body through continual practice of large movements, such as waving, kicking, rolling, crawling and walking.
  • I am beginning to scoot along on a scooter 
  • I am starting to kick, throw and catch large balls.

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nURSERY - Physical Development
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Fine Motor 
  • I can use one-handed tools and equipment; snips in paper, hammer pins into a board, push straws through holes, put pegs into pegboards. 
  • I can put my coat on independently, support with fastening.
  • I can make controlled marks, e.g. enclosures lines, dashes back and forth, scribbles and circling.
  • I can use two fingers and thumb grip when holding a pencil/pen.
  • I can use a preferred hand.
  • manipulate

Gross Motor
  • I can change direction to avoid obstacles and other children when walking.
  • I can balance on a range of equipment, including planks.
  • I can use large muscle movements to wave flags and streamers, paint and make marks.
  • I can walk on different parts of my feet; tiptoes, heels.
  • I can play ring games and games with a parachute.
  • I can join in with action songs.
  • I can roll a ball to a friend and engage in a simple game.

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Fine Motor
  • I can use one-handed tools and equipment; use tweezers to pick up small objects, squeeze clothes pegs and attach a string to a line.
  • I can use a knife to cut my own food at lunchtime, with some support.
  • I can copy shapes and patterns using increasingly precise tools. For example, drawing a triangular pattern/shapes with a paintbrush.

Gross Motor
  • I can change direction to avoid obstacles and other children when running.
  • I can take part in a group activities.
  • I can freeze my body when the music stops when playing games.
  • I can hop on one leg.
  • I can use and remember sequences and patterns of movements which are related to music and rhythm.
  • I can collaborate with others to manage large items, such as moving a plank safely, with adult support.
  • I can throw beanbags and balls using an underarm and overarm throw.

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nURSERY - Physical Development
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Fine Motor
  • I can use scissors to cut along a line.
  • I can eat using a knife, fork and spoon appropriately.
  • I can cut soft things with a knife, for example, a banana or dough.
  • I can fasten my own coat.
  • I can thread small beads onto a string.

Gross Motor
  • I can run confidently at different speeds; fast and slow.
  • I can walk backwards, avoiding obstacles
  • I can jump off apparatus safely, landing on both feet
  • I can ride a tricycle or scooter independently, with confidence, around a track.
  • I can freeze my position when dancing on request.
  • I can move in a variety of ways; rolling, crawling and sliding.
  • I can initiate a ring game.
  • I can work with others to manage large items such as planks and blocks without support from an adult.
  • I can throw beanbags and balls using an underarm and overarm throw at a target.

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Fine Motor
  • I can use a two finger, one thumb grip for appropriate activities/tools.
  • I can form the letters in my first name correctly when tracing over.
  • I can take off and put on my own shoes and socks after an activity.

Gross Motor
  • I can balance and ride independently with confidence around a track.
  • I can climb safely, showing an awareness of risks and talking about them.
  • I can choose the right equipment to do a challenge safely.
  • I can ask others to help solve a challenge that I am struggling with.
  • I can catch a large ball with two hands.
  • I can walk across a plank, a different heights in different ways, safely, and with confidence.
  • I can engage in a throw and catch game with a peer using a ball or beanbag.

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