Book Creator

Y1 Summer 1

by Clare Walsh


Mount Carmel
Catholic School
Year 1 Summer 1
The Power of Learning
'I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.'
Mark 10:10
Mount Carmel Values

Our aim is for every child to leave here an Ambassador of Christ.
Our values are deeply rooted in the high expectations that we have of each child in the school. Our Values permeate across the school through children's learning, friendships, behaviour and leadership.
Our values come from the Church.

C - consideration
H - helpfulness
U - unity
R - respect
C - commitment
H - honesty
Comic Panel 1
Our British Values

Our children learn about our British Values through 5 areas. These are discussed at whole school liturgies and during lunch times. We are committed to serving our community, with the strong belief that we are one school for all.
Comic Panel 2
Comic Panel 3
Our Power Values

Our aim is for every child to leave with the power to make a positive change in the world. Through our subjects there are five themes that we believe are integral with teaching children how to become powerful adults.

We ensure that these themes run through our subjects. Children learn about 5 areas of power - Education, Religion, Resources, People and Legacy.
Comic Panel 4
Comic Panel 5
Our Religious Education Curriculum.
Change – Lent: a time for change

Holidays and holydays – Pentecost: feast of the Holy Spirit

Being sorry – God helps us choose well

change, seasons, spring, growth, Lent,
Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Alleluia, Cross, Resurrection

holiday, holyday, Apostles, help, Pentecost, promise, Holy Spirit, guide, Resurrection, alleluia

choice, happy, sad, disappointed, sorry, forgive rules, wrong, right, feeling, love, Sign of Peace, Peace be with you
This half term we will be learning ...
Through books, we will be learning about beaches and holidays from the past.
The Power of Learning
English - Writing
Comic Panel 1
National Curriculum
Read aloud their writing
Spell common exception words
Re-reading to check that it makes sense
Capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks
Comic Panel 2
Writing Genres


Comic Panel 3

Capital letters for names & places
2 adjective noun phrases
2 adjectives noun phrase sentences
Word classes
Exclamations & commands
Comic Panel 4

Farmer, robbers, horse, sheep, pig, ladybird, chicken, jail, stealing, once ask  
friend school put  
push pull full 
House our 
The Power of Learning
English - Reading
Comic Panel 1
National Curriculum

Link reading with enjoyable experiences

Join in with predictable phrases

Discuss significance of title and events

Make simple predictions
Children's reading is a priority.

Children practice their reading skills through:

Reading aloud to an adult every day.
Guided reading sessions.
Daily Phonic Sessions.
Independent reading books.
Stories being read by an adult.

Non-fiction and fiction books connected to beaches and holidays.