Book Creator

Our Geography Curriculum Book

by Clare Walsh

Pages 4 and 5 of 12

The Power of Learning
Children will learn about the immediate environment, introducing and
modelling new vocabulary where appropriate.
Familiarise children with the name of the road, and or village/town/city the
school is located in.
Look at aerial views of the school setting, encouraging children to comment
on what they notice, recognising buildings, open space, roads and other
simple features.
Offer opportunities for children to choose to draw simple maps of their
immediate environment, or maps from imaginary story settings they are
familiar with.
Children will focus on Ealing. The children will develop
locational knowledge based on the view from the school and local walks. They
will build place vocabulary to define where they live, which is deepened
through fieldwork experiences and using maps.
Children will draw maps of Northfields.

The children will also use and add to a
classroom plan and practise sequencing events on a journey.
Look up children’s addresses, mark them on a map and use parents’ local
expertise and community insight. Reinforce their vocabulary through looking at photos and sketches.
Children will revise the different
continent and ocean names, and should also know where they live, as well as the
‘layers’ and ‘areas’ of the world that lie between any teaching of ‘here’
(local) and ‘there’ (beyond). They will be developing an increasing ability to recognise, visualise and locate themselves in the world at
different ‘scales’ as they refine their ideas of the world as a whole. Children
will think
of choosing alternative ‘wonders’: are they in any way representative of a
country or continent? Most aren’t especially, and may lead to stereotyping,
therefore using a range of images of one place or environment is always
important to give children a rounded view.
How Locational Knowledge is taught across the school
Children will begin to understand the
Earth better as a sphere, learning to rotate it mentally in 3-D. They will
explore its representation in 2-D maps, and learn about the imaginary lines
used (Equator, latitude, longitude, tropics and the International Date Line) to
pinpoint global locations.
The children, inspired by Johnny Cash singing ‘I’ve been everywhere’, travel the North and South American continents, and distinguish between the terms ‘continent’, ‘region’, ‘country’, ‘state’ and ‘city’ along the journey. Children will make notes on cities and record their countries and/or states. They will compare the built environments and settings of the cities and, through them, identify some key regions of the American continents.
Children will find out about the regions
of the UK, discovering how some of these areas have changed over time. The
children will research how specific areas of the UK have been affected by
change, before conducting a fieldwork activity in Ealing.
Children will be able to look at developments over time to predict what changes may happen in Ealing in the future.
As the children move towards the end of
their primary school careers and prepare to move to secondary schools, they
will consider the past, present and future of their local area. They will learn
to see change as positive and to feel optimistic about the changes that lie
ahead. They will work on the vision of Ealing
and what it will look like in 25 years time.