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Games consoles for home learning access

by Aspire

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Parents: using games consoles to access your child's home learning
If you are looking for convenient ways to access your child's online learning, you may find it worthwhile investigating the options on a games device you already own, such as an XBox or Playstation.

Web-based services such as Seesaw, Google Classroom, and your child's Wonde dashboard (access through school website: Child Login button) - can be used through the built-in browser that comes pre-installed on such devices. On Xbox, it is Microsoft Edge. On Playstation, it is the “www” browser.

Children will probably know how to find browsers on their consoles, but if not, each one has a search function they can access on the home screen.

If students have a keyboard they can plug in, they will have a much easier time with navigation. Otherwise, they will need to use controllers to click on menus, open up assignments and type - not ideal though certainly a useful stop-gap. This method of access is certainly fine for viewing videos / worksheets / presentations / other lesson materials.

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