Book Creator

Jd Jakarta to Bloemendaal

by Elina Huele

Pages 2 and 3 of 10

Jd Jakarta 1954

Markus came back from his Dutch school that he loved so much and got the most heartbreaking news. He was moving again.
“Markus hurry up we have to go now” said his dad in a gruff voice.
“Why do we have to move again?” Markus questioned
getting ignored.
While they were walking to the port they saw people holding signs saying Go home or Get out our country, Markus also heard people shouting.
“Go away” or “We don't want you here”.
Markus didn't know about this and was shocked, he had never seen the people being so aggressive towards them. He even saw one friend of his and was confused why would he turn backs on him, they had played together. Why were they doing this, why do they not like us Markus thought.
