Book Creator

McNally CA Block

by Mrs. McNally's Class

Pages 6 and 7 of 48

Zombies moaning, owls hooting, witches screeching, these are the sounds in the treacherous graveyard. Tuesday October, 31, 2014, kids in my little pony, hulk, and cinderella costumes were running up and down the Cory lane waiting for their buckets to be filled up to the very top with candy. Cindy on the other hand hates Halloween so she sits in the neighborhood graveyard and reads Tuck Everlasting by the creek. She wanders over to her mom’s grave to give her flowers. Her mom Samantha Barbra Thomas died on October, 31, 2013, from a car crash. Cindy hears a piercing sound similar to nails on a chalkboard. She darts home NOT looking back. She hides under the covers, but still hears the sound getting closer and closer. Cindy yells for her older brother Jack, but no one answers.
 Finally Jack comes in, but it isn't him. Since he got bitten by the hideous monster he now has gigantic ears, sharp teeth, deadly eyes, and claws that tear. Just when Cindy thinks her life is about to end everything goes away and she is back reading at the graveyard. Cindy is so scared so she runs to get her neighbor, old lady Murray. When Mrs. Murray opens the door, she is a zombie! Cindy screams so loud that every neighbor and dead person wakes up. Zombies, witches, werewolves, and clowns everywhere. She tries to run but a witch made a forcefield blocking her.
Cindy is so overwhelmed that she faints and her family thought she died so they put her in a grave. When she wakes up she realizes that her life actually is over now. This is why you never prance in a graveyard alone or you will end up dead and alone  like Cindy Thomas. Also you should never hate Halloween!