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Welcome to The Ladybird Class. A guide for Parents.

by Amanda Fitzgerald


Lovely Ladybirds
Welcome to our Ladybird Class.
the children have all settled in so quickly and are having a fun time with their learning. 😀
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The Early Years Foundation Stage is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception Year. It is based on the concept that children learn best through play and active learning.
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Areas of Learning...
Prime Areas;
1. Personal, social and Emotional Development.
2. Communication and Language.
3. Physical Development.
Then there are 4 specific areas
4. Literacy.
5. Maths.
6.Understanding the World.
Expressive arts and design.
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Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
This is all about developing children's social skills, developing friendships and mangling their self regulation behavior.
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Communication and Language
We encourage children to develop good speaking and listening skills.
We encourage children to speak in a sentence and have many opportunities to hear and use new and rich vocabulary in their guided work and within their play.
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Every Monday afternoon throughout the academic year, we have Muddy Mondays. We will explore our local area including the beach, farm, woods, spinney and environmental area. The children have many learning opportunities during these visits to support their communication and language and to extend their learning across all areas of the curriculum.
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Physical Development
Developing children's large motor skills and fine motor skills.
It includes a weekly PE session. This term PE is on a Tuesday.
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