Book Creator

A Story of Te Tino o Taiamai

by Kariene Gardner


A story of
Te Tino o Taiamai
Written by Kariene Gardiner
Illustrated by Team Maunga
Published August 2020
Thanks Matua Ken for telling us this story that we could retell for a class story.
Towards the top of Te Ika a Maui is a rock. A sacred rock. It is the rock called Te Tino o Taiamai. This rock has many stories to tell and this is one of them.
Kaitara was a Rangatira (chief). He lived in a beautiful land with lots of trees and maunga. Pouerua, Turoto and Rawhitiroa were three of these maunga that would oversee and guard his Iwi (people) and their tupuna. Pekapeka a crystal clear awa also ran through the Rohe (area) and fed and nourished both people and whenua (land).
He was a brave, strong and very wise Rangatira. The people of his Rohe loved to hunt with him because he was a very clever hunter, and always brought back Kai (food). This kept them all well fed.