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St. Anne Back to School 2020-2021

by Joanne Blackburn, Vincenza Nicoletti & Francois Belair ; Credit to Kimberly Hutchinson for allowing us to modify

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Welcome Back to School!
2020-2021 School Year
A message from your Admin Team
Dear Parents/Guardians:

We would like to welcome all of our students and families back to school! Whether your children will attend in person or through distance learning, we are excited to start another year of learning!

With this very different start to the school year, we wanted to provide you with a reference guide that we hope will help answer questions and ensure a smooth transition to our new learning environment. In order to accommodate the changing nature of the current health crisis, the format of this reference book is interactive and contains live links that will be updated as new information is received. Check back frequently to find the most updated information.  

Our number one priority is the safety of our students and staff. In this guide, you will find information that explains the measures that we have put in place to accomplish this goal.

You will also find information about student supplies, arrival and dismissal, what happens if your child falls ill as well as some other great resources. We encourage you to review the book with your children.

We are here to answer any questions that you may have. Please call us at 613-271-0308 or email the school at and we will be happy to get back to you. Follow us on Twitter @StAnneOCSB to see updates.
We know that this is a very stressful and challenging time but together, we will make it work. We look forward to working with you again and making it the best year yet!!

Yours in Catholic education,

Joanne Blackburn - Principal
Vincenza Nicoletti - Vice-Principal
Francois Belair - Vice-Principal
First Day Procedures:

Please watch this Video outlining for our First Day Procedures. We can't wait to see our Lions! Here is the Week 1 Memo that was shared!

Rounded Rectangle
Please be sure to review the changes that have been made to our School Parking Lot at Entry and Dismissal times. We ask that you have a conversation with your child(ren) about choosing a predetermined meeting place that works for pick up at the end of the day, knowing the front parking lot is closed for safety reasons (even during the first week of school when buses are not running). OSTA maps are included in this newsletter. Please choose a zone where you will meet your children.

North Gate: Gate for Kindergarten students
South Gate: At front of school closest to Stonehaven Dr.
Rear Gate: Back of the school, (Park entrance)

Please write a note to your child's teacher and send it on the first day so the teacher knows where to hand off your child and who will be picking them up.
Daily Covid Screening
In order for our school to have a successful, safe return we are going to need to work as partners. Parents have a very important role to play by screening their children every morning before sending them off to school.

You can use the online tool provided by Ottawa Public Health.

You can also use this visual tool as well.

By working together, we will be able to set our students and staff up for a healthy, safe school year.
Table of Contents
What precautions are in place at school?
Items that your child should bring to school
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
What if a child becomes ill while at school?
Additional resources and important links
What precautions are in place at school?
Frequent Handwashing
When students enter or leave the classroom, they will clean their hands either with hand sanitizer or with soap and water.
Floor markings
Throughout the school, there will be floor markings and directional arrows reminding students to keep 2m apart in hallways.
Students in grade 4 - 8 and all staff are required to wear masks. It is recommended that students in Kindergarten - Grade 3 also wear masks, but it is not mandatory.
What precautions are in place at school?
In the classroom...
Students will keep their backpacks, lunches, outdoor clothings and school belongings in their personal workspace in the classroom.
Student desks/tables will be spaced apart (no groups). Each child will have their own workspace and cannot use the workspace of another student.
School supplies will not be shared between students. Parents may choose to send their child with their own materials. (See section on "School Supplies for more information")