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Southern Colonies

by Dempsey M

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

Southern Colonies
by Dempsey M
A money making place
Reason For Founding
In the Southern colonies you can practice any religion you want that in the whole reason they stated Maryland.
how to make money.
Come to the southern colonies where you can make money because we have warmth all year long to harvest tobacco and indigo.
Are you brave? Then come to the Georgia where you can help protect Carolina from a attack from the Spanish.
It also has very warm seasons and also have no cold cold winters so the crops will not die.
The southern colones have great soil for farming and long growing seasons.They also have great water for fishing.
Why go to the other colonies where you have to chop down a tree or buy a bout to fish when in the southern colonies you can just put a seed in the ground and have the earth do the rest then you can go sell the crop to get lots of money.
Also there is lots of land so you can can start a farm and grow the money crops called tobacco.
Charleston had the biggest and best boat harbor. It was also very wealthy and there was lots of mansions. The people that lived there wore very fancy clothes.
You should come to the southern colonies because we have the most money-making colonies in the 13 colonies. Carolina has a lot of money and a great boat port.
Why would you want to go to the New England colonies where you have to be Puritan when in the Southern colonies you can be any religion you want?
Why would you want to live in the cold New England colonies when hear in the Southern colonies you can live in year long warmth great for farming and making money.

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