Book Creator

Student Collaboration & Engagement Strategies for a Remote Environment

by Jeffco Ed Tech


Collaboration & Engagement Strategies
For a Remote Environment
Learning Outcomes
I am learning how to utilize the best practices I already know into a remote environment.

I am learning how to shift the cognitive load back onto the students in a remote environment.
Community Building
classroom community is formed when students come together as a class to work towards the common goal of learning. A classroom community helps students feel valued and connected to the teacher and other students in the class.
What is going well in your remote classroom around Community Building?

Think or journal...
Community Building Exploration
How to Build Relationships Virtually: The Ultimate Guide for Teachers

Add Ah Ha's, Main Points, & Connections to your current practices on this Jamboard
Community Building
Wrap Up
What changes or new structures 
are you thinking about applying?

Thank or journal...
Structures and Routines
classroom routine is simply a well-rehearsed response to a teacher's directive. The alternative is usually noise, milling around, and time wasting on the part of students, as well as nagging on the part of the teacher. A classroom routine is, therefore, one of a teacher's primary labor-saving devices.
What is going well in your remote classroom around Structures and Routines?

Think or journal...