Book Creator

Blue-Sky Islands

by Isabel Maria João

Pages 2 and 3 of 49

Our blue-sky Islands
Places imagined and painted by students.
English - Art - Portuguese
By 8th B
Não o sabes, se não sais de ti, não chegas a saber quem és, Aproveita a beleza dos caminhos, sejam eles terra mar ou ar. A lua já estava meio palmo sobre o mar, as sombras da verga e do mastro grande vieram deitar-se-lhes aos pés.

in O Conto da Ilha Desconhecida - José Saramago
Everyone has a secret place where magic happens!
It can be real or it can be YOUR PLACE... the place you don't share with anyone or only with very special people.

These students dared to show their magic places and now they invite you to come in their Islands.
Lorena Vale
-My Island-
Welcome to paradise!! I hope you have a wonderful journey today, enjoy! We are going to get started on our main attraction, the castle.
This thousand year old castle has survived two dragon fights and a snowy hurricane! It’s made out of the strongest material in our kingdom, fenix-dust mud. This castle was home to hundreds of royal families and servants, and is now a preserved national monument.
We are now heading to the forest where a stable, biodiverse ecosystem stands. Here we have Nine Tails Foxes, Golden Crows, White Goddess Snakes and lots of rare, god-like creatures! Just look at that majestic Rubi Peacock!
Going west we have our blue lapis lake where if you dig down enough you can find your very own lápis-lazúli rock. In our lake we have a special species of fish that can survive in our unic blue waters, called caeruleum(latin) , which is also a local delicacy. 
So, if you have some time you can go to our most famous restaurant and have some one of a kind fish! By coincidence,that dish is my favorite. So I really recommend it.
If we go down these tricky rope wooden stairs, which we won't, because I don't want anyone to die…We can access the magic fountain that if you're brave enough to actually drink from, you can add up to 50 years to your life!
Down there in that little island there is our village where all the villagers live their happy lives with their happy jobs and big happy families. Once a week the king and his spouse go to the village to shop for food and decorations for the castle. They are such friendly people!
Well, sadly our visit to the island is over. It was really nice to be with you all, and see you all in the next visit!
Bye! :D

Lorena Vale nº11
Afonso Fuzil
My Island

-Well, you see, we have an island, I think it is not a normal island but I like it.
-Me too, but there aren't any people here.
-Probably, but I need to know all the secrets of this island.
When the boat came to shore a strange person said…
- Different people, do you guys need something or you're just lost in the sea?
-No, I want to explore this island and find its secrets. 
-Ok, come with me, I'm going to tell you about one thing…

5 minutes later.

-In the middle of the island, on the right side is hot and on the left side is cold.
-Ok it's cool but I don't have any appropriate clothes to wear.
-Is not a problem Sir. On the right side you have a girl with some clothes for you and your partner, on the left side there is a boy, he has all you need.
-Ok now we can go, you want to go?
- Yes, that's why I am here.  
-Ok lady, you can choose which side you want. 
-I don't like the cold, so let's go to the beach first.-Ok Sir and Lady, if you don't need anything more, go talk with a girl and choose your favourite clothes for you.
-Ok Sir see you later.
After that, they chose the clothes… 
-Who will go in first?
-Why don't we enter together.
-Ok,that's a good idea.

-I count 1, 2… 3

So much time later when they come to the normal local on the middle of island.

-This is so funny, this island is the best island.
-Yes, that's the best island for vacation. We can relax and have fun.
-I think I come here all the time I have vacation.
-Yes me too, but i think this island is so differently but I never go to talk to someone then i find a island.
-I say the same, now I'm going home but I want to come here later.
-Ok see you then.

Afonso Fuzil Nº1