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Coyote in a Different Place

by Keira B

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

Coyote in a different place
Made by Keira B. 5E
Coyote Fact Sheet
1. A coyote lives in the desert in Mexico and the United States and that is in the tropical zone.
2. Coyotes eat meat and a plants for there diet. Some things they eat are cactus fruit, flowers, birds, insects, lizards, snakes, rabbits, and mesquite beans.
Coyote Adaptation Fact Sheet Now and After
1. The coyote works together to hunt big prey like wolves.
2. Often hunt the small prey alone to eat but mostly hunt in packs.
3. The usually pounce in the grass it strike is prey.
1. The coyote will need thick fur to stand the cold.
2. The coyote will need to hibernate to get a rest in the cold winter.
3. There is a lot of ice and water so the coyote will have to swim in the cold water instead of them drowning.
4. The coyote will need to eat meat a lot because there is not a lot of plants.
5. They need to dig holes in snow to sleep at night.
One day in the Desert there was a coyote named Cameron. Cameron was going to hunt for some lizards when some lizard came in his sight. Like Cameron always does he pounced on the lizard. Sadly he missed. Suddenly he herd his mom call for him. Cameron came running to his mom to go hunting as a pack like a every day because it was almost night and most of the animals come out at night.
After his pack they went to sleep. The next morning he heard a big bang. Camron came running out side to see what had happened. He saw a big tornado coming to him. He thought fast and ran. He know he was going have to leave his environment to get safe. Camron ran miles and suddenly reached the Tundra.
Camron was cold and tired. He has never been or seen the tundra. From all the suddenly he started to grow get thinker fur to with stand the cold icee weather. Camron was wondering "Is this new adaptations?" It was and that was only one. Camron started to walk around when a piece of ice cracked and Camron fell in. Camron did not know how to swim but he could swim. So he swam to the shore. Camron started to get exited because he was going to learn his new adaptations.
Camron was walking for a lot when he started to get hungry. He was walking for a lot he did not see not plants or animals but he turned he's head and saw a wolf looking for food too. Camron was scared because he never hunts big food by him self only with other coyotes. But Camron was so hungry he had to eat. So Camron came running at the wolf to get his meat. He scratched him that he could not get Camron. Camron eat his food and decided to go to sleep but he did not know where. He could suddenly dig a hole fast. So he dug a hole to sleep in since it was close to winter. He shut his eyes and started to hibernate.
Camron the Coyote and the rest of the coyotes was safe in there new environment.
The End